Work in Poland. Handyman (picking champignons)

Работа в Польше. Разнорабочий (сбор шампиньонов) фото

Salary from 13 to 16 zł /h.

Visa, Biometrics, for Belarusians, for CIS citizens, For Women, For Men, For couples, for Russians, for Ukrainians, Moldovanian, Jobs without language, Accommodation

Place of work: Poland, 62-067 Rakoniewice (about 70 km from Poznan)

Company activity: Growing champignons

Bid: 12,83 zl per hour on hand the first 2 weeks of work
After 2 weeks, the worker switches to a chord:
91-100% – 13 PLN
101-109% – 13.50 PLN
110-120% – PLN 15.00
Above 120% – PLN 16.00

Opening hours:

200-240 hours of work per month. 1 shift 7-15. On Wednesdays and Thursdays longer (12 hours). Sometimes work on Saturdays and holidays. Mon-Fri + Sat


– picking champignons
– Work on the production and cultivation of champignons
– work 50% standing, 50% sitting

Housing: 200 PLN per month. House, apartments. 3 pax in the room. 10 minutes to work on foot. 5 minutes to the store.

Work clothes: Free

Optional: The factory temperature is 20 degrees Celsius